Friday, February 13, 2015


The Celts were one of the many groups of people that lived in parts of Western Europe during the Iron Age.

As Romans expanded into the continent they entered in contact with this group of "barbarians", and eventually came to dominate them.

There were other groups, such as for example the Germanic tribes, that in time would be partially responsible for the fall of the Roman Empire.

This is a link to the Time Compass episode that deals with the Celts. It is only about 11 minutes, so go ahead and watch it. It will give you a better idea of what other peoples occupied the continent, besides the Romans.

This other interesting link will take you to a BBC site with animations and interactive activities/games. There you can learn about the life and culture of the Celts in Ancient Wales: from the mundane to the mystical. It is kind of goofy but fun.

As stated above, the Romans entered in battle with the Celts (and other peoples of Europe) as the Romans expanded and assimilated them into their Empire. The video below is a very short clay-mation rendition of what normally ensued: conflict followed by conquest.

VIDEO: Romans and Celts Battle

The video below is another depiction of a battle between the Gauls and the Roman based on the famous Franco-Belgian comic. The liquid you see the Gauls drinking is a "magic potion" brewed by the village's druid (shaman or spiritual leader) supposed to make them strong and invincible. For those of you who have read the comics once our heroes have had their "potion" the Romans stand no chance against them, no matter how organized or mighty their armies may be. Remember that this is just a comic, so no, it is not real, but it is fun to watch, all the same, just to see the contrast between the two armies :)

VIDEO: Asterix and Obelix Roman Attack

Friday, February 6, 2015


Some videos you may want to watch to get a better understanding of politics, art and life in Ancient Rome


Two videos on the mythical origins of Rome and the role played by twins Romulus and Remus, raised by a wolf.

VIDEO: The Tale of Romulus and Remus. Short version

VIDEO: The Story of Romulus and Remus. Longer version


VIDEO: Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire
For this exercise you may want to have a map of Europe and North Africa in front of you. It may help you identify some of the modern states where the Roman Empire thrived. A little bit long but helpful.

In this animation the Roman Empire grows from a small nucleus in central Italy to control most of Europe, Norther Africa and parts of Asia Minor. Several notable episodes: control of Iberia (Spain and Portugal) and Western North Africa (Carthage), control of Gaul (France) and parts of Great Britain, split into Western and Eastern halves, fall of Rome in the West, rise of Byzantium, expansion of Islam, and fall of Constantinople, the capital of Byzantium in 1453. Notice that although the Roman Empire collapsed in the West, the Eastern half survived for another ten centuries into Modern History.

VIDEO: The great conspiracy against Julius Caesar. 
Julius Caesar was of paramount importance in the History of Rome, since it is around this time that Rome went from being a Republic to becoming an Empire.


VIDEO: TICE ART - Greek and Roman Art
Segment on Roman Art starts at 4:40.


A Day in the Life: The following two videos give you a glimpse of life in Ancient Rome. While the first is short and goofy, the other one is more involved. Watch the two of them to get a better understanding of what the role of children and young adults was in Ancient Rome.

VIDEO: A Day in The Life

VIDEO: Ted Ed - A glimpse of teenage life in ancient Rome

See you on Friday!