Thursday, January 1, 2015

Hunter-gatherers and Early Farmers

1. PALEOLITHIC: Hunter-gatherers

This silly animated short gives you an idea on the subsistence food patterns of Prehistoric hunters and gatherers during the Paleolithic (early or "old" stone age).

VIDEO: BBC- A Day in the Life of A 10-Year-Old in Ancient Britain


The following two videos deal with the Neolithic (later or "new" stone age) also known as the Agricultural Revolution. This revolution consisted in the adoption of agriculture (domesticated plants) and husbandry (domesticated animals), as well as other technological achievements by different societies, sometimes independently in many parts of the planet.

VIDEO: BrainPOP-Agricultural Revolution

VIDEO: Human Prehistory-Agriculture Rocks Our World.

3. PREHISTORIC ART: paintings, carvings, and ceramics

Finally, the last two videos deal with Prehistoric art in Europe. The fist one is a short video interpreting some cave art and bone carvings from Portugal and France in the form of simple animations. The Second one shows an old Neolithic village in the Balkans (Southeastern Europe). One of its dwellers mixes clay and some grog to create ceramic sculptures that then are hardened and/or fired in a hearth, oven or primitive kiln.

VIDEO: Prehistoric animations emerge from cave walls New Scientist

VIDEO: Life in prehistoric European Vinča culture

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